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Vom Hochleistungsrechner bis zur Blockchain: Der Weg in die digitale Zukunft des Rheinischen Reviers

Digitale Technologien treiben Innovation und Wirtschaftswachstum voran. Besonders im Rheinischen Revier sind bereits zahlreiche Unternehmen in diesem Bereich tätig. Die Future Agency Rheinisches Revier GmbH widmet dem Thema Digitalisierung einen eigenes Video und zeigt spannende Einblicke in Künstliche Intelligenz, Telemedizin und neuromorphes Computing.

Diese neue und vom Gehirn inspirierte Technologie wird im Zukunftscluster NeuroSys erforscht und entwickelt,um energieeffiziente und leistungsfähige KI-Anwendungen zu ermöglichen. Erfahren Sie mehr über die digitale Transformation der Region im Video. 



Veni Talent Grant for Mareike Smolka on Imagination in AI Research & Development

Social scientist Dr. Mareike Smolka, research fellow at the Human Technology Center at RWTH Aachen and Assistant Professor at Wageningen University, received the Veni Talent Grant (320.000€) from the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

The Veni-Vidi-Vici talent program is one of the most competitive funding schemes in the Netherlands. It offers personal grants to talented, creative researchers. Mareike Smolka received the Veni grant for her project “Studying and enhancing how AI researchers and developers imagine socio-technical systems: a response to the crisis of imagination.”

In policy, corporate, and media discourses, AI is often envisioned as the solution to global challenges and as a threat to humanity. Dominant hype/fear imaginaries leave little room for picturing alternatives because the future of AI appears fixed and inevitable. This reflects a crisis of imagination: technology-driven futures are easy to conceive, but it is difficult to anticipate plausible ways in which technology and society could interrelate within future socio-technical systems. This crisis is particularly vivid among AI researchers and developers who are used to operating within computational systems and thus tend to neglect societal contexts. As many of them want AI to create better societies, they search for ways to overcome the crisis.

This project seeks to study and enhance how AI researchers and developers imagine socio-technical systems. Through a co-design process involving stakeholders and publics, it will explore how dominant and alternative ways of imagining socio-technical systems relate to each other and shape AI research and development. The concept of system imagination will be coined to analyze the process. This concept will scrutinize the potential within practices of individuals and small groups to connect seemingly conflicting ways to imagine socio-technical systems. The goal is to find out how the crisis of imagination can be addressed effectively so as to help AI researchers and developers better align technology-driven futures with society-oriented alternatives.

This research builds on Mareike Smolka’s experience in the NeuroSys Cluster4Future where she studies and enhances the imagination of scenarios for the future of neuromorphic computing. Her new project will start in January 2025 in collaboration with AI researchers and developers from OnePlanet Research Center. For more information about Mareike Smolka and future updates on the project, you can have a look at her website.



Kick-off of the first seven future clusters:
The innovation networks meet to exchange experiences in Berlin

On 31 May 2022, the first exchange of experiences of the future clusters of the first "Clusters4Future" competition round took place. Almost 30 key players from the future clusters initiative came together at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Berlin.



Learning to save energy from the brain

Scientists at Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University want to work together with companies from the region to create a leading international location for neuromorphic AI hardware.



Future cluster "NeuroSys" is an opportunity for the region

Neuromorphic computers can be a powerful basis for artificial intelligence.

07. 02. 2022